Using Your Printer in Linux4010 When you are finished, click Save on the toolbar.11 Select the file directory where you want to save the imageand enter the file name.12 Click Save.Adding Job Type SettingsYou can save your scan option settings to retrieve for a laterscanning.To save a new Job Type setting:1 Change the options from the Scanner Properties window.2 Click Save As.3 Enter the name for your setting.4 Click OK.Your setting is added to the Saved Settings drop-downlist.To save a Job Type setting for the next scan job:1 Select the setting you want to use from the Job Type drop-down list.2 The next time you open the Scanner Properties window,the saved setting is automatically selected for the scanjob.To delete a Job Type setting:1 Select the setting you want to delete from the Job Typedrop-down list.2 Click Delete.The setting is deleted from the listUsing the Image ManagerThe Image Manager application provides you with menucommands and tools to edit your scanned image.Use these tools toedit the image.You can use the following tools to edit the image:For further details about the Image Manager application, referto the onscreen help.Tools FunctionSaves the image.Cancels your last action.Restores the action you canceled.Allows you to scroll through the image.Crops the selected image area.Zooms the image out.Zooms the image in.Allows you to scale the image size; you canenter the size manually, or set the rate toscale proportionally, vertically, orhorizontally.Allows you to rotate the image; you canselect the number of degrees from the drop-down list.Allows you to flip the image vertically orhorizontally.Allows you to adjust the brightness orcontrast of the image, or to invert theimage.Shows the properties of the image.