16.1 16 GlossaryNoteThe following glossary helps you get familiar with the product byunderstanding the terminologies commonly used with printingas well as mentioned in this user's guide.ADFAn Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is a mechanism that willautomatically feed an original sheet of paper so that the machine canscan some amount of the paper at once.AppleTalkAppleTalk is a proprietary suite of protocols developed by Apple, Incfor computer networking. It was included in the original Macintosh(1984) and is now deprecated by Apple in favor of TCP/IPnetworking.BIT DepthA computer graphics term describing the number of bits used torepresent the color of a single pixel in a bitmapped image. Highercolor depth gives a broader range of distinct colors. As the number ofbits increases, the number of possible colors becomes impracticallylarge for a color map. 1-bit color is commonly called as monochromeor black and white.BMPA bitmapped graphics format used internally by the MicrosoftWindows graphics subsystem (GDI), and used commonly as asimple graphics file format on that platform.BOOTPBootstrap Protocol. A network protocol used by a network client toobtain its IP address automatically. This is usually done in thebootstrap process of computers or operating systems running onthem. The BOOTP servers assign the IP address from a pool ofaddresses to each client. BOOTP enables 'diskless workstation'computers to obtain an IP address prior to loading any advancedoperating system.CCDCharge Coupled Device (CCD) is a hardware which enables thescan job. CCD Locking mechanism is also used to hold the CCDmodule to prevent any damage when you move the machine.CollationCollation is a process of printing a multiple-copy job in sets. Whencollation is selected, the device prints an entire set before printingadditional copies.Control PanelA control panel is a flat, typically vertical, area where control ormonitoring instruments are displayed. They are typically found infront of the machine.CoverageIt is the printing term used for a toner usage measurement onprinting. For example, 5% coverage means that an A4 sided paperhas about 5% image or text on it. So, if the paper or original hascomplicated images or lots of text on it, the coverage will be higherand at the same time, a toner usage will be as much as thecoverage.CSVComma Separated Values (CSV). A type of file format, CSV is usedto exchange data between disparate applications. The file format, asit is used in Microsoft Excel, has become a pseudo standardthroughout the industry, even among non-Microsoft platforms.DADFA Duplex Automatic Document Feeder (DADF) is a mechanism thatwill automatically feed and flip over an original sheet of paper so thatthe machine can scan on both sides of the paper.DefaultThe value or setting that is in effect when taking a printer out of itsbox state, reset, or initialized.DHCPA Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client-servernetworking protocol. A DHCP server provides configurationparameters specific to the DHCP client host requesting, generally,information required by the client host to participate on an IPnetwork. DHCP also provides a mechanism for allocation of IPaddresses to client hosts.DIMMDual Inline Memory Module (DIMM), a small circuit board that holdsmemory. DIMM stores all the data within the machine like printingdata, received fax data.DNSThe Domain Name Server (DNS) is a system that stores informationassociated with domain names in a distributed database onnetworks, such as the Internet.Dot Matrix PrinterA dot matrix printer refers to a type of computer printer with a printhead that runs back and forth on the page and prints by impact,striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like atypewriter.DPIDots Per Inch (DPI) is a measurement of resolution that is used forscanning and printing. Generally, higher DPI results in a higherresolution, more visible detail in the image, and a larger file size.DRPDDistinctive Ring Pattern Detection. Distinctive Ring is a telephonecompany service which enables a user to use a single telephone lineto answer several different telephone numbers.DuplexA mechanism that will automatically flip over a sheet of paper so thatthe machine can print (or scan) on both sides of the paper. A printerequipped with a Duplex can print double-sided of paper.Duty CycleDuty cycle is the page quantity which does not affect printerperformance for a month. Generally the printer has the lifespanlimitation such as pages per year. The lifespan means the averagecapacity of print-outs, usually within the warranty period. Forexample, if the duty cycle is 48,000 pages per month assuming 20working days, a printer limits 2,400 pages a day.ECMError Correction Mode (ECM) is an optional transmission mode builtinto Class 1 fax machines or fax modems. It automatically detectsand corrects errors in the fax transmission process that aresometimes caused by telephone line noise.