12.25 Some color imagescome out all black.This is a known bug in Ghostscript (until GNUGhostscript version 7.05) when the base colorspace of the document is indexed color spaceand it is converted through CIE color space.Because Postscript uses CIE color space forColor Matching System, you should upgradeGhostscript on your system to at least GNUGhostscript version 7.06 or later. You can findrecent Ghostscript versions atwww.ghostscript.com.Some color imagescome out inunexpected color.This is a known bug in Ghostscript (until GNUGhostscript version 7.xx) when the base colorspace of the document is indexed RGB colorspace and it is converted through CIE colorspace. Because Postscript uses CIE color spacefor Color Matching System, you should upgradeGhostscript on your system to at least GNUGhostscript version 8.xx or later. You can findrecent Ghostscript versions atwww.ghostscript.com.The machine doesnot print whole pagesand its output is halfpage printed.It is a known problem that occurs when a colorprinter is used on version 8.51 or earlier ofGhostscript, 64-bit Linux OS, and reported tobugs.ghostscript.com as Ghostscript Bug688252.The problem is solved in AFPL Ghostscript v.8.52 or above. Download the latest version ofAFPL Ghostscript from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/ and install it to solve thisproblem.Problem Possible Cause and Solution Common Macintosh problemsProblem Suggested solutionsPDF file does not printcorrectly-some parts aremissing in the graphics,text or illustrations.Incompatibility between the PDF file andthe Acrobat products.Printing the PDF file as an image mayenable the file to print. Turn on Print AsImage from the Acrobat printing options.Note: It will take longer to print whenyou print a PDF file as an image.The document hasprinted, but the print jobhas not disappeared fromthe spooler inMac OS 10.3.2.Update your Mac OS to OS 10.3.3. orhigher.Some letters are notdisplayed normallyduring the cover pageprinting.This problem is caused because MacOS cannot find the font during the coverpage printing.Alphanumeric characters, in the BillingInfo field, are only allowed for printing onthe cover page. Other characters will bebroken on the printout.When printing adocument in Macintoshwith Acrobat Reader 6.0or higher, colors printincorrectly.Make sure that the resolution setting inyour printer driver matches the one inAcrobat Reader.