4-11Data SecuritySingle line telephones used with modems and fax machines can be programmed so that theywill not receive any system-generated tones that would disrupt data transmissions. In addi-tion, these devices receive C.O. ringing pattern instead of internal ring pattern. Devices con-nected to an SLI card receive a disconnect signal upon termination.Database PrintoutA copy of the customer database can be obtained using PCMMC (the PC program for con-figuring the telephone system). This information can be directed to a printer or the PC screenand may be done either on site or remotely. A complete database or specific data blocksmay be printed.DECT ServiceThe system provides DECT cordless communications in a single office or throughout a largecommercial or industrial complex. Users of this service meet improved overall efficiency,since they can be reached or make calls while away from their desks.Direct in LinesOutside lines may be programmed to bypass the operator(s) and ring directly at any stationor group of stations.Direct Dialling In (DDI)Direct Dialling In (DDI) refers to digit-steered inbound call handling. This service is providedover ISDN PRI and BRI circuits.Direct Inward System Access (DISA)Users can call in on specific DISA lines at any time, input a security code and receive systemdial tone. Users can then place internal calls or, if permitted, calls using C.O. lines. The callermust have a tone dial phone and know their DISA security code. DISA lines can be used asboth-way lines or incoming only and may be active/inactive according to the ring plan table.The C.O. lines used for DISA must have disconnect supervision. The requirement to put in aDISA security code can be disabled if desired.Direct Trunk SelectionEach station can be allowed access to or denied access from a trunk or trunk group by ac-cess code when LCR is activated. When restricted, the station user must use a trunk key or aroute key.Directory NamesEach station, station group and C.O. line may be assigned a directory name (maximum 11characters). In addition, each personal speed dial number, system speed dial number andentry in the DDI translation table may be assigned a name (maximum 11 characters). Thesenames are displayed during calls with these ports and in the case of station and speed dialnames, can be used to originate calls. See the Dial by Name feature in Display Features.