4-45This statistic includes:a) Calls answered by agent.b) Calls that are not answered by an agent and go to the final destination.c) Calls that are sent to the UCD group but callers hang up before being answered.Longest Queue Time TodayThis shows the longest call in queue today. The queue time is calculated as follows:a) Queue time begins when a call is queuing.b) Queue time ends wheny caller is answered by an agenty system gets disconnected from C.O. ory caller is transferred to the final destinationLongest Queue Time NowThis shows the longest call currently in queue. The queue time is calculated as follows:a) Queue time begins when a caller starts to hear the first UCD message.b) Queue time ends wheny caller is answered by an agenty system gets disconnected from C.O. ory caller is transferred to the final destinationUCD Agent StatisticsLogged inThe number of stations programmed in the UCD group and the number of stations that arecurrently logged in.This is a real-time statistic and so will not print on a report.StatusThis screen shows the agent’s name, extension number and status. The status can be InGroup, Out of Group or in DND.This is a real- time statistic and so will not print on a report.Calls AnsweredThe total number of calls answered by the agent. This does not include ‘ring no answer’ to anagent station.If this total number is less than the calls received by the group, it is possible that calls wereunanswered by an agent and went to the final destination or that callers hung up while inqueue.If this total number is more than the calls received by the group, it is possible that calls weretransferred from one agent to another.Average Call TimeThis is an average of all the call durations for the agent.Average Ring TimeThis is an average of all the ring times for the agent. See UCD Call Statistics.