Ordering supplies and accessories_ 118ordering supplies and accessoriesThis chapter provides information on purchasing cartridges and accessories available for your machine.This chapter includes:• Supplies• Accessories• How to purchaseSUPPLIESWhen the toner cartridge or imaging unit runs out, you can order thefollowing type of toner or imaging unit for your machine:ACCESSORIESYou can purchase and install accessories to enhance your machine’sperformance and capacity.The optional parts or features may differ by countries. Contact yoursales representatives whether the part you want is available in yourcountry.TYPE AVERAGE YIELDAa. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752.PART NUMBERToner cartridgea Approx. 25,000 SCX-D6555AImaging unitbb. Declared yield value is based on a single side of A4- or letter-sizedpaper.Approx. 80,000 SCX-R6555ADepending on the options and job mode, the imaging unit’s lifespanmay differ.When purchasing new print cartridges or other supplies, these mustbe purchased in the same country where the machine waspurchased. Otherwise, print cartridges or other supplies will beincompatible with your machine, as configurations of print cartridgesand other supplies vary, depending on the specific country.ACCESSORY DESCRIPTION PART NUMBERMemory module Extends yourmachine’s memorycapacity.ML-MEM160: 256 MBThis machinecomes with256 MB DIMM.To expand thememory of yourmachine, youmust remove theexisting DIMMand purchase alarger one.Optional tray 2/3/4 If you are experiencingpaper supply problemsfrequently, you canattach an additional 520sheet tray. You canprint documents invarious sizes and typesof print materials.SCX-S6555AHigh capacityfeederIf you are frequentlyexperiencing papersupply problems, youcan attach an additional2,100 sheet tray.SCX-HCF100Fax option kit This kit lets you useyour machine as a faxmachine.SCX-FAX210aAfter installingthe kit, you haveto set up yourmachine toactivate thismachine. (SeePage 122)Stand You can place themachine on theergonomically-designed cabinet whichlets you reach themachine conveniently.Also, you can easilymove the cabinet withits wheels, if necessary,and storemiscellaneous itemslike papers into thecabinet.• Tall Stand: SCX-DSK10T• Short Stand: SCX-DSK10SIf you do not usethe optional traythen Tall Stand isrecommended. Incase you addthree optionaltrays, use ShortStand.Stacker & Stapler(Finisher)500 sheets SCX-FIN10SStaple Cartridge 3 x 5,000 staples perpackage, coversmaximum thickness of50 sheets, 1 stapleposition.SCX-STP000ACCESSORY DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER