Using standard workflow_ 76using standard workflowThis chapter explains how to use standard workflow with your machine.This chapter includes:• About Standard Workflow• Understanding the Standard Workflow Screen• Various Operations with WorkformABOUT STANDARD WORKFLOWStandard Workflow is a feature for users to conveniently operate jobs withpre-arranged task sets called workform. Standard Workflow makes itpossible to execute multiple jobs in a single session by defined the jobworkform. Once you create a workform, you can reuse the same workflowonly with one-touch operation.UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARDWORKFLOW SCREENTo use the Standard Workflow feature, press Standard Workflow on theMain screen.Workflow ScreenFavorite TabFavorite workform is a shortcut of public or private workform. You canselect a frequently-used public or private workform, and then theworkform appears on the favorite workform tab.• Execute: Start the job defined in the workform.My Workform and Public Workform TabTo switch to the other display screen, press the left or right arrow onthe display screen.INPUTScanDocument BoxFaxTRANSMITEmailFTP/SMB serverDocument BoxPrintFaxFax input workform is automatically executed when receiving fax.Therefore fax input workforms cannot be registered to a favoriteworkform.