Copying_ 40copyingThis chapter gives you information about using your machine as a copy machine.This chapter includes• Understanding the Copy screen• Copying originals• Changing the settings for each copy• Using special copy featuresUNDERSTANDING THE COPY SCREENWhen you press Copy on the Main screen, the Copy screen appears whichhas several tabs and lost of copying options. All the options are grouped byfeatures so that you can configure your selections easily.If the screen displays an other menu, press ( ) to go to the Main screen.Basic tab• Original Size: Selects the size of the originals. (See "Changing thesize of originals" on page 41.)• Reduce/Enlarge: Reduces or enlarges the size of a copied image.(See "Reducing or enlarging copies" on page 42.)• Duplex: Sets the machine to print copies on both sides of the paper.(See "Copying on both sides of originals (Duplex)" on page 42.)• Output: Selects Collated or Uncollated copy options. If you installthe optional stacker & stapler, then the staple related option appears.(See "Deciding the form of copy output (Collated / Staple)" onpage 43.)• Original Type: Improves the copy quality by selecting the documenttype for the current copy job. (See "Selecting the type of originals" onpage 43.)• Light, Dark: Adjusts the brightness level to make a copy that iseasier to read, when the original contains faint markings and darkimages. (See "Changing the darkness" on page 43.)• Paper Supply: Selects the paper supply tray.• Saving to box: Sets the machine to save the originals to thedocument box for later use.Advanced tab• Job Build: Allows you to copy several pages or different types oforiginals into a single copy. (See "Merging multiple jobs as a singlecopy" on page 43.).• ID Copy: Prints 2-sided originals on one sheet of paper. This featureis helpful for copying a small-sized item, such as a business card.(See "ID card copying" on page 44.)• N-Up: Prints 2 or 4 original images, reduced to fit onto one sheet ofpaper. (See "Copying ID with the manual ID copy option" onpage 44.)• Poster Copy: Prints a large image into divided 9 pages. (See"Poster copying" on page 45.)• Clone Copy: Prints multiple image copies from the originaldocument on a single page. (See "Clone copying" on page 45.)• Book Copy: Allows you to copy an entire book. (See "Bookcopying" on page 46.)• Booklet: Creates booklets from a sequential set of either 1-sided or2-sided originals. (See "Booklet copying" on page 46.)• Covers: Automatically adds covers to your copied set using stocktaken from a different tray. (See "Cover copying" on page 46.)• Transparencies: Adds a blank or printed divider betweentransparencies within a set. (See "Transparency copying" onpage 46.)• WaterMark: Prints an image with the added watermark. (See"Watermark copying" on page 47.)• Overlay: Prints an image with the image previously stored in yourmachine. (See "Overlay copying" on page 48.)• Auto Crop: Prints only the image of an original after cropping theblank parts like the margin. (See "Auto crop copying" on page 48.)For details about how to use the Document Box, refer to theDocument Box chapter. (See "Using document box" on page 73.)