TEAR HERECALLER ID SPECIAL FEATURESINVESTIGATEInvestigate allows selected stations with a special class of service toinvestigate any call in progress. If CID information is available for anincoming call, you will know to whom this station user is speaking. Foroutgoing calls, you can see the number that was dialed. After investi-gating, you may barge-in on the conversation, disconnect the call orhang up your phone to end the investigation.• At your keyset, press the INVESTIGATE key.• Enter your station passcode. (Default passcodes cannot beused.)• Enter the station number to be investigated.• You can now press BARGE to barge-in on the conversation.ORYou can press NND to view more information about the call.ORYou can press DROP to disconnect the call.NOTES:1. If the call is an outgoing call, the NND key will not appear.2. This feature requires optional software and/or hardware. Pleaseask your installation and service company for details.WARNINGThis feature may violate state or federal laws concerning theright to privacy. Samsung Telecommunications America is inno way responsible for the possible misuse of this feature.NOTE: This information is NOT repeated in this user guide.SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORPROGRAMMING