iDCS 100 USER INSTRUCTIONSTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 1 JUNE 20021.251.18 CALLER ID DISPLAYThe station user can change the order in which the CLI, Caller ID and/or ANIinformation is displayed on an LCD set.CLI display options are the following:0. NO DISPLAY No CLI data will be displayed.1. NUMBER FIRST The CLI number received from the Central Office will bedisplayed first.2. NAME FIRST The CLI name received from the Central Office will bedisplayed first.Caller ID display options are the following:0. NO DISPLAY No CID data will be displayed.1. NUMBER FIRST The CID number received from the Central Office will bedisplayed first.2. NAME FIRST The CID name received from the Central Office will bedisplayed first.ANI display options are the following:0. NO DISPLAY No ANI data will be displayed.1. NUMBER FIRST The ANI number received from the Central Office will bedisplayed first.2. NAME FIRST Since there is no name sent by the Central Office, The onlytime you will receive a name is when your service companyhas programmed a name to be associated with the numberotherwise your display will read “no ANI name”.ACTION DISPLAY1. Press the transfer key followed by 119Display shows[201] CID DISPNUMBER FIRST