8 9BASIC 12B KEYSET LAYOUTLABELING PROGRAMMABLE KEYSInsert the end of a paper clip into the notch of the clear cover.Push the cover sideways. Lift the cover and remove the desig-nation strip. Label the designation strip. Replace the strip andcover.DIGITALCOMMUNICATIONSYSTEMVOLSPKHOLDTRSFANS/1 2 ABC 3 DEF4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY0OPERRLSHOLD KEYTRANSFER KEYANSWER/RELEASE KEY MICROPHONEFor handsfree operation.PULLOUTDIRECTORYTRAYSPEAKERFor handsfree operation andringing.6 P R O G R A M M A B L EK E Y S W I T H T R I -COLORED LIGHTS Usedf o r C A L L b u t t o n s ,intercom calls, outsidelines and many othersystem features.6 P R O G R A M M A B L EKEYS WITH RED LIGHTSUsed to call stationsdirectly, to indicate busyc o n d i t i o n s o f o t h e rstations, for One Touchdialing and many othersystem features.V O L U M E C O N T R O LK E Y S U s e d t o s e tindependent levels forh a n d s e t , s p e a k e r,background music, ringand page volumes.SPEAKER KEY Used toswitch call to speaker-phone.7B KEYSET LAYOUTLABELING PROGRAMMABLE KEYSInsert the end of a paper clip into the notch of the clear cover.Push the cover sideways. Lift the cover and remove the desig-nation strip. Label the designation strip. Replace the strip andcover.TRANSFERCALL 1 CALL 2HOLDFLASHMONITORVOLUME1 2 ABC 3 DEF4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY0OPER1425736PULLOUTDIRECTORY TRAY3 PROGRAMMABLEKEYS WITH TRI-COLORED LIGHTS(1, 2, 3) Used for CALLbuttons, intercomcalls, outside linesand many other sys-tem features.4 PROGRAMMABLEKEYS WITH REDLIGHTS (4, 5, 6, 7)Used to call stationsdirectly, to indicatebusy conditions ofother stations, for OneTouch dialing andmany other system fea-tures.VOLUME CONTROLKEYS Used to set inde-pendent levels forhandset, speaker,background music,ring and page vol-umes.SPEAKER For handsfreeoperation and ringing.MONITOR KEYTRANSFER KEYHOLD KEY