PLC-WU3800 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications32/748.7.6 CF_VPOS CommandCommand “CF_VPOS_%1”[CR]%1“015” --------- +15“014” --------- +14“002” --------- +2“001” --------- +1“000” --------- +0“-01” ---------- -1“-02” ---------- -2“-14” ---------- -14“-15” ---------- -15“UP” ---------- Vertical Position setting value + 1“DN” ---------- Vertical Position setting value – 1DetailsSet Vertical PositionThis command is available in normal Power ON status.Note1) Screen mode is changed into Custom by receiving this command.Note2) When there is no Input, projector returns 101 and the command does notexecute.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.7.7 CF_HSCALE CommandCommand “CF_HSCALE_%1”[CR]%1“032” --------- +32“031” --------- +31“002” --------- +2“001” --------- +1“000” --------- +0“-01” ---------- -1“-02” ---------- -2“-31” ---------- -31“-32” ---------- -32“UP” ---------- Horizontal Scale setting value + 1“DN” ---------- Horizontal Scale setting value - 1DetailsSet Horizontal ScaleThis command is available in normal Power ON status.Note1) Screen mode is changed into Custom by receiving this command.Note2) When there is no Input, projector returns 101 and the command does notexecute.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]