PLC-WU3800 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications35/748.9 Sound Command8.9.1 CF_VOLUME CommandCommand “CF_VOLUME_%1”[CR]%1“000-063” -------------------------- Directly select Volume setting value“UP” --------------------------------- Current Volume setting value +1“DN” --------------------------------- Current Volume setting value -1DetailsControl Volume valueThe same operation of Volume Up/Down as projector and RC, and directly selectVolume setting value. When setting Volume value, the Sound Mute ON status iscanceled just like RC operation. The value set by this command is stored inProjector.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.9.2 CF_MUTE CommandCommand “CF_MUTE_%1”[CR]%1 “ON” ----------------------------- Set Sound Mute to ON“OFF” --------------------------- Set Sound Mute to OFFDetails Control Sound Mute ON/OFFThis command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]