6. TERMINAL FILE PROGRAMMING EO3-111066.5 System Option Programming6-32System Option TableStandard Bit Set (auto-set by RAM Clear)ADDRESS NO. CONTENTS021 TAX CONTROL IIBITNO. ITEM SELECTIVE STATUS STANDARDSTATUS REMARKSRESET NON-PRINT *1 Multiple Taxes SeparatePrint on Receipt SET SEPARATE PRINTRESET NON-PRINT *2 Tax Total Amount onReceipt SET PRINTWhen Add-on Taxfeature is selected atBit No. 5, taxes arealways printed.RESET NON-PRINT *3 Taxable Total Print onReceipt SET PRINTNOTE 1 belowRESET (Price x Rate) ÷ (1 + Rate) *4 VAT Calculation Method(VAT = ) SET (Price x Rate)This bit status selectionis effective only whenVAT feature has beenselected.RESET VAT *5 Tax Type:VAT or Add-on Tax SET ADD-ON TAXNOTE 2 belowRESET NON-PRINT *6NET VAT TotalSeparate Print onReceipt (NOTE 3) SET PRINTThis bit status selectionis effective only whenVAT feature has beenselected.RESET *7 -- vacant --SETRESET NON-PRINT *8 NET Total Print onReceipt (NOTE 4) SET PRINTThis bit status selectionis effective only whenVAT feature has beenselected.NOTE 1: Whether the taxable total is printed on the receipt is selected.SET: It is printed individually.RESET: It is not printed.NOTE 2: When the Add-on Tax feature is selected:1) The [TX1/M] to [TX8/M] keys can reverse the respective Tax status of Departments and PLUs. Reversing the Tax status of[% +], [% -], and [-] is also possible. (Neither the [TX1/M] to [TX7/M], nor [TX8/M] keys can be used when the VAT feature isselected.)2) When a taxable item (subject to any of Tax 1 to Tax 8) is entered in a sale, the symbol “T” is printed to the right of the itemamount.NOTE 3: Whether the NET VAT total of each VAT is printed on the receipt is selected.SET: It is printed.RESET: It is not printed.NOTE 4: Whether the NET total (amount total not including VAT total) is printed on the receipt is selected.SET: It is printed.RESET: It is not printed.