Page 118 FT DX 1200 O PERATING M ANUAL077 DATA MIC GAINFunction Sets the data input level from the T1C to the$FS. modulator.$vailable Values 0CV50 a 100'efault Setting 0CV5When this menu is set to “0CV5”, you may adjust themicrophone gain using the front panel [0ICS3((']knob.078 DATA OUT LEVELFunction Sets the $FS. data output level at the outputport pin ) of the 5TTY3.T jack.$vailable Values 0 a 100'efault Setting 0079 DATA VOX GAINFunction $djusts the “V2;” Gain in the '$T$ mode.$vailable Values 0 a 100'efault Setting 0080 DATA VOX DELEYFunction $djusts the “V2;” 'elay receiver recovery)time in the '$T$ mode.$vailable Values 30 a 3000 msec 10 msecstep)'efault Setting 300 msecMODE-FM GROUP081 FM LCUT FREQFunction Selects the cutoff freTuency of the lower sideof the 5; audio ¿lter in the F0 mode.$vailable Values 2FF100 a 1000 H] 0 H]step)'efault Setting 0082 FM LCUT SLOPEFunction Selects the ¿lter slope of the lower side of the5; audio ¿lter in the F0 mode.$vailable Values 6dBoct 18dBoct'efault Setting 18dBoct083 FM HCUT FREQFunction Selects the cutoff freTuency of the upper sideof the 5; audio ¿lter in the F0 mode.$vailable Values 2FF700 a 4000 H] 0 H]step)'efault Setting 2FF084 FM HCUT SLOPEFunction Selects the ¿lter slope of the upper side of the5; audio ¿lter in the F0 mode.$vailable Values 6dBoct 18dBoct'efault Setting 6dBoct085 FM MIC GAINFunction Sets the microphone gain for the F0 mode.$vailable Values 0CV50 a 100'efault Setting 0CV5When this menu is set to “0CV5”, you may adjust themicrophone gain using the front panel [0ICS3((']knob.086 FM MIC SELFunction Selects the microphone to be used on the F0mode.$vailable Values F521T '$T$'efault Setting F521TF521T Selects the microphone connected to the frontpanel 0IC jack while using the F0 mode.'$T$ Selects the microphone connected to pin 1 ofthe 3$C.(T -ack while using the F0 mode.087 RPT SHIFT (28MHz)Function Sets the magnitude of the repeater shift on the8 0H] band.$vailable Values 0 a 1000 kH] 10 kH]step)'efault Setting 100 kH]088 RPT SHIFT (50MHz)Function Sets the magnitude of the repeater shift on the0 0H] band.$vailable Values 0 a 4000 kH] 10 kH]step)'efault Setting 1000 kH]089 TONE FREQFunction Select the desired CTCSS Tone. $ total of 0standard CTCSS tones are provided see the CTCSSTone Chart on 3age 1).$vailable Values 67.0 a 4.1 H]'efault Setting 67.0 H]M ENU M ODE