Page 66 FT DX 1200 O PERATING M ANUALA BOUT ATU OPERATIONFigure 1 depicts a situation where normal tuning via the $TU has been successfully completed, and the tuning data hasbeen stored in the $TU memory. The antenna system as seen by the transmitter is shown.In Figure , the operator has changed freTuency, and the “HI-SWR” icon has appeared. The operator presses and holdsin the [TUNE] button for two seconds to begin impedance matching using the $TU.If a high SW5 condition exists above 31), corrective action must be taken in the antenna system to bring the imped-ance closer to 0 2hms. The $TU will refuse to memori]e settings on freTuencies where the SW5 exceeds 31. $ HighSW5 may indicate a mechanical failure in the feed system, and can lead to the generation of spurious signals causingTVI, etc.About ATU MemoriesSWR (After tuning) Less than 1.5:1The tuner settings are stored in the $TU memory.SWR (After tuning) Greater than 1.5:1Tuning data will not be retained in memory. If you return to the same freTuency, the tuning process must be re-peated.SWR (After tuning) Greater than 3:1The “HI-SWR” icon will light up, and the tuner settings, if achieved, will not be memori]ed. 3lease investigatethe high SW5 condition and resolve the problem before attempting further operation using this antenna.U SING THE AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNERFIGURE 1FIGURE 2Feed Point SWRSWR: 3.0Retuned SettingMemorized ATU TuningThe “HI-SWR” icon appears on the displaywhen you transmit on the frequencySWR after ATU TuningFrequencyFrequency