Page 21FT DX 1200 O PERATING M ANUALFRONT PANEL CONTROLS & SWITCHES[AXB] Switch3ress this button momentarily to transfer the fre-Tuency or memory channel data, from VF2-$ toVF2-B, overwriting any previous contents in VF2-B. Use this key to set both VF2-$ and VF2-B to thesame freTuency and mode.[AXWB] Switch3ressing this button momentarily, exchanges thefreTuency or memory channel data, of VF2-$ andVF2-B.[STO] (Store) Button3ressing the [STO] button copies the contents fre-Tuency, mode, bandwidth, F0 repeater offset, andCTCSS settings) of VF2-$, into consecutive Q0B0emories.[RCL] (Recall) Button3ressing the [RCL] button, recalls one of up to ¿veQuick 0emory Bank memories for operation.[NAR] (Narrow) SwitchThis button is used to set the 'S3 digital) IF ¿ltersto 1arrow bandwidth.A DVICE :You may adjust the bandwidth using the [WIDTH]knob.In the AM mode, this button is used to toggle the re-ceiver bandwidth between wide kH]) and narrow6 kH]).In the FM mode on the 8 0H] and 0 0H] bands,this button is used to toggle the F0 deviationband-width between wide .0 kH] 'ev..0 kH] BW)and narrow . kH] 'ev.1. kH] BW).[TXW] (TX Watch) Switch3ressing and holding this button lets you monitor thetransmit freTuency when split freTuency operation isengaged. 5elease the button to return to normal splitfreTuency operation.[C.S] Switch3ress this button momentarily to directly recall a fa-vorite 0enu Selection.To program a 0enu selection to the [C.S] button,press the [MENU] button to enter the 0enu. Selectthe 0enu item you want to set as the short cut. 3ressthe [C.S] button, then press the [MENU] button thiswill lock in the selected 0enu item as the short cut.