Page 23FT DX 1200 O PERATING M ANUALFRONT PANEL CONTROLS & SWITCHES[MODE] SwitchThis button selects the operating mode. The selec-tions available areLSB Æ CW USB) Æ 5TTY LSB) ÆÆ '$T$ LSB) Æ $0 Æ LSB Æ5epeated presses of this button steps through theavailable selections.3ressing and holding this button will toggle to thealternate mode. In the $0 mode, a long press willtoggle between the $0 and F0 mode.For example, In the LSB or USB modes, a longpress of this button toggles between “LSB” and“USB” mode.[FAST] Switch3ressing this button will change the tuning of the0ain Tuning 'ial knob VF2-$) to a higher steprate.When this function is activated, the “FAST” indica-tor in the L(' indicators area illuminates.[LOCK] SwitchThis button toggles locking onoff for the 0ain Tun-ing 'ial knob VF2-$). With “Lock” on, the 0ainTuning 'ial knob can still be turned, but the fre-Tuency will not change, and the “LOCK” indicatorin the L(' indicators area illuminates.Main Tuning Dial KnobThis large knob adjusts the operating freTuency ofVF2-$. Clockwise rotation of this knob increasesthe freTuency. 'efault tuning increments are 10 H]CW, SSB), 0 H] 5TTY'$T$), 100 H] $0F0). When the [FAST] button is pressed, the tuningsteps increases. The available steps areOPERATING MODELSB/USB/CWAM/FMRTTY/DATA1 STEP10 Hz (100 Hz)100 Hz (1 kHz)5 Hz (100 Hz)1 D IAL ROTATION10 kHz (100 kHz)100 kHz (1 MHz)5 kHz (100 kHz)Numbers in parentheses indicate steps when the [FAST] button is On.A DVICE :The tuning steps for the 0ain Tuning 'ial knobare set, at the factory, to 10 H] SSB, CW), 0 H]5TTY'$T$) and 100 H] $0F0) per step. Via0enu item “151 CW DIAL STEP” to “155 SSBDIAL STEP”, however, you may change these settingsto 1 or H] SSB, CW), 1 or 10 H] 5TTY, '$T$),and 10 H] $0, F0) instead.