Maintenance993. The electrical contacts of the battery andcables must be clean and properly con-nected, or the battery will not start theengine.EMU29372Disconnecting the battery1. Turn off the battery cut-off switch (ifequipped) and main switch. NOTICE: Ifthey are left on, the electrical systemcan be damaged. [ECM01931]2. Disconnect the negative cable(s) fromthe negative (-) terminal. NOTICE: Al-ways disconnect all negative (-) cablesfirst to avoid a short circuit and dam-age to the electrical system. [ECM01941]3. Disconnect the positive cable(s) and re-move the battery from the boat.4. Clean, maintain, and store the batteryaccording to the manufacturer’s instruc-tions.EMU38661Storing the batteryWhen storing your Yamaha outboard motorfor prolonged periods of time (2 months orlonger), remove the battery and store it in acool, dry place.Check the battery and charge it if necessary.1. Red cable2. Black cable3. BatteryZMU01811123©2019 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.