7-51Exhaust cover012345678910ADo not apply grease, oil, or paint to theanodes.Installing the exhaust cover1. Install a new gasket “1” and the exhaustcover “2”, and then tighten the exhaustcover bolts “3” to the specified torques in2 stages and in the order [1], [2], and soon.2. Install a new gasket “1” to the thermostat“2”.3. Install the thermostat “2”, a new gasket“3”, and the thermostat cover “4”, andthen tighten the thermostat cover bolts“5” to the specified torques in 2 stages.4. Install the thermoswitch “6”.5. Install the grommet “7”, the PCV “8”, thespring “9”, a new gasket “10”, and thecover “11”.Exhaust cover bolt “3”:1st: 6 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 ft·lb)2nd: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 8.9 ft·lb)23133[15]3[10][5][1][6][11][16][12][17][8][13][4][9][14][19][7][3][2][18]Thermostat cover bolt “5”:1st: 6 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 ft·lb)2nd: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 8.9 ft·lb)6589710214311