Components23NOTICEECM00660Do not use the tilt support lever or knobwhen trailering the boat. The outboard mo-tor could shake loose from the tilt supportand fall. If the motor cannot be trailered inthe normal running position, use an addi-tional support device to secure it in the tiltposition.EMU31421Cowling lock lever (pull up type)To remove the top cowling, pull up the cowlinglock lever(s) and lift off the cowling. To installthe top cowling, place it in its original position,and then move the cowling lock lever(s)downward to lock it in place.TIP: When installing the cowling, check to besure it fits properly in the rubber seal. Be sure to check that the gap between thetop cowling and the bottom cowling is evenall around the cowling. If the top cowling isloose or the gap is not even, reinstall thecowling.EMU26463Flushing deviceThis device is used to clean the cooling waterpassages of the motor using a garden hoseand tap water.1. Cowling lock lever(s)1. Cowling lock lever(s)ZMU053471ZMU053491