Maintenance74Twin enginesEMU29371Disconnecting the battery1. Turn off the battery cut-off switch (ifequipped) and main switch. NOTICE: Ifthey are left on, the electrical systemcan be damaged. [ECM01930]2. Disconnect the negative cable(s) fromthe negative (-) terminal. NOTICE: Al-ways disconnect all negative (-) ca-bles first to avoid a short circuit anddamage to the electrical system.[ECM01940]3. Disconnect the positive cable(s) and re-move the battery from the boat.4. Clean, maintain, and store the battery ac-cording to the manufacturer’s instruc-tions.1. Starboard side engine2. Port side engine3. Red cable4. Black cable5. Isolator leads with circuit protection6. Fuse7. Battery for starting8. Battery for accessories9. Negative connecting cableZMU059411393464257 8 7