Maintenance56EMU28305ProcedureEMU31375Flushing with a flushing attachmentWARNINGEWM00322You could be seriously injured if the en-gine accidentally starts when you are nearthe propeller. Before inspecting, removing, or install-ing the propeller, remove the ignitioncoils from the spark plugs. Also, placethe shift control in neutral, turn the mainswitch to “ ” (off) and remove the key,and remove the clip from the engineshut-off switch. Turn off the battery cut-off switch if your boat has one. Do not use your hand to hold the propel-ler when loosening or tightening thepropeller nut. Put a wood block betweenthe anti-cavitation plate and the propel-ler to prevent the propeller from turning.TIP:This procedure is performed while the topcowling and propeller are removed.1. Disconnect the fuel line from the motor.2. Install the flushing attachment over thecooling water inlet. NOTICE: Do not runthe engine without supplying it withcooling water. Either the engine waterpump will be damaged or the enginewill be damaged from overheating. Be-fore starting the engine, be sure tosupply water to the cooling water pas-sages. Avoid running the outboardmotor at high speed while on theflushing attachment, otherwise over-heating could occur. [ECM02000]3. Cooling system flushing is essential toprevent the cooling system from cloggingup with salt, sand, or dirt. In addition, fog-ging/lubricating the engine is necessaryto prevent excessive engine damage dueto rust. Perform the flushing and foggingat the same time. WARNING! Do nottouch or remove electrical parts whenstarting or during operation. Keephands, hair, and clothes away fromthe flywheel and other rotating partswhile the engine is running. [EWM00091]TIP: When using the flushing attachment, main-tain adequate water pressure so that thereis a steady flow of water from the coolingwater pilot hole. A flushing attachment is available from yourYamaha dealer. If the overheat alert device is activated, turnthe engine off, and consult your Yamahadealer.ZMU042611. Flushing attachment