Instruments and indicators31EMU26793Water separator-alert indicatorThis indicator will blink when water has accu-mulated in the water separator. In such anevent, stop the engine and drain the waterfrom the separator.This indicator only operates when a waterseparator sensor is equipped.EMU316536Y8 Multifunction metersMultifunction meters have 6 kinds of meterunits; tachometer unit (square or roundtypes), speedometer unit (square type),speed & fuel meter unit (square or roundtypes), and fuel management meter (squaretype). The indicator system is slightly differentbetween the round and square types. Checkthe model and type of your unit carefully. Thismanual describes mainly the alert indicators.For more details on setting meters or chang-ing indicator systems, see the attached oper-ation manual.EMU361846Y8 Multifunction tachometersThe tachometer shows the engine revolutionsper minute. It has functions of trim meter, ad-justing trolling speed, cooling water/enginetemperature display, battery voltage display,total hour/trip hour display, oil pressure dis-play, water detection alert, engine troublealert, and periodic maintenance notification. Ifthe cooling water pressure sensor is installed,the unit can also show the cooling water pres-sure display. However, even if the cooling wa-ter pressure sensor is not installed, thecooling water pressure display can be shownby connecting an optional sensor to the unit.For the optional sensor, consult your Yamahadealer. The tachometer unit is available inround or square types. Check your tachome-ter unit type.ZMU017551. Set button2. Mode button1. Tachometer2. Trim meter3. Multifunction display4. Cooling water pressure5. Cooling water/engine temperature6. Water detection-alert indicator7. Battery voltage8. Oil pressure (4-stroke models)21ZMU0541523145678 ZMU05416