7 - 7T U NJet needle adjustmentThe jet needle is adjusted by changing it.* For EUROPE** For CDN, ZA, AUS and NZThe tapered sections of all jet needles havethe same starting positions, but the needlesare available with different straight-portiondiameters.Standard jet needleOBELP*OBEGP**OBEHPOBELP - 4Clip positionDiameter a of straight portionLeak jet adjustment (accelerator pumpadjustment)The leak jet 1 is a setting part that adjusts theflow of fuel discharged by the acceleratorpump. Since the accelerator pump operatesonly when throttle is open, the leak jet is usedto adjust a fuel mixture ratio for quick throttleopening and is therefore different from othersetting parts that adjust a fuel mixture for eachthrottle opening (each engine speed).1. The engine breathes hard in quick throt-tle opening.Select a leak jet having lower calibratingNo. than standard to enrich the mixture. #105 → #952. Rough engine operation is felt in quickthrottle opening.Select a leak jet having higher calibratingNo. than standard to lean out the mixture. #105 → #115* For EUROPE** For CDN, ZA, AUS and NZStandard leak jet #60* , ** #1051SETTING