4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 3. Engine129Piston AssemblyWhen correctly assembled, the piston identificationmark (Figure 6-129, (2)) stamped into the top of thepiston will be on the same side of the connecting rodas the match marks (Figure 6-129, (4)) stampedinto the connecting rod and connecting rod cap.When installed in the cylinder, the pistonidentification mark (Figure 6-129, (2)) stamped onthe top of the piston must face the fuel injectionpump side (Figure 6-129, (1)) of the engine and theembossed mark on the connecting rod (Figure 6-129, (3)) must face the flywheel end (Figure 6-129,(5)) of the engine.Figure 6-129(1) Fuel Injection Pump Side of Engine.(2) Piston Identification Mark.(3) Embossed Mark on Connecting Rod.(4) Rod and Cap Match Marks.(5) Flywheel End of Engine.(6) Camshaft Side of Engine.1. Lubricate and reinstall the wrist pin (Figure 6-131,(3)) through the piston and connecting rod.2. Reinstall the second circlip (Figure 6-131, (4))and ensure it is securely seated in the groove.Figure 6-131NOTE : If installing new piston rings the end gapmust be checked and adjusted as necessary. SeeInspection of Pistons, Piston Rings and Wrist Pin onpage 122 for specifications. Use a piston ring endgap filing tool to adjust the piston ring end gap onnew piston rings.NOTE : Reinstall the top and second piston ringswith the stamped “makers mark” (Figure 6-132, (1))facing the top of the piston. The “makers mark” mayvary in appearance but will always be located on thetop surface of the piston ring adjacent to the pistonring gap. The oil ring and oil ring expander can beinstalled either side up.Figure 6-132