4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 4. Fuel System1566. Reinstall the rear bracket(s) (Figure 7-29, (1)) tothe fuel injection pump. Tighten the rear supportbolts.NOTE: Configuration of the fuel injection pump rearbrackets may vary depending on the model.Figure 7-297. Reconnect the throttle linkage and the stopsolenoid connector (Figure 7-30, (2)).8. Reconnect the lube oil line (Figure 7-30, (1)) andclamp (Figure 7-30, (2)).Figure 7-309. Apply Three Bond Liquid Gasket No. 1212 orequivalent sealant to the sealing surface of thepump cover. Install the pump cover and tightenthe cover bolts.10. Reconnect the fuel return lines, fuel supply lineand coolant lines to the fuel injection pump.11. Reinstall the fuel injection high-pressure lines.Tighten the nuts to specification. See SpecialTorque Chart on page 143.IMPORTANTWhen reinstalling a new or repaired fuelinjection pump, it is important to add engine oilto the fuel injection pump to provide lubricationfor initial start-up. Add 5-7 oz (150-200 cc) ofclean engine oil to the fuel injection pump at thefill plug located in the upper outside section ofthe governor housing.12. If equipped, verify the fuel injection pumpinsulator (Figure 7-31, (2)) is not damaged.Reinstall the insulator and intake manifold ifpreviously removed.