CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual 2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12General Acquire Procedure 6-299. Adjust the region of the iris visible in the Iris Viewport. Typically, make coarseadjustments using the X-Y controls (that move the chinrest) as needed until the pupil isvisible.10.Focus the iris image using the controls to the right of the viewport. For focusing,primarily use the Z controls. The mouse scroll wheel works well for fine adjustments.Try to get the iris as clear as possible before proceeding to the next step.cáÖìêÉ=SJNV==fêáë=sáÉïéçêí=EmçëíÉêáçê=pÉÖãÉåí=pÅ~åF=~åÇ=^åíÉêáçê=pÉÖãÉåí=pÅ~å=m~ííÉêåë11.Center the pupil in the Iris Viewport by clicking the center of the pupil. (Clickinganywhere in the Iris Viewport centers the field of view of the camera over the clickpoint). A centering target overlays the video image for posterior segment scans. Foranterior segment scans, a graphical scan pattern appears to show the alignment scanpattern position, size, shape, and orientation (see Figure 6-19 above). It remains inthe center of the image and illustrates the path of the scan beam.12.View the Fundus Viewport, just below the Iris Viewport (Figure 6-12 orFigure 6-13, depending on the scan type). The Fundus Viewport, is not available forAnterior Segment scans)13.If you are not using prior scan data for comparison skip to Step 16. If you are using aMontage Angio scan, skip to Step 18.14.If you want to compare the current scan to a previous scan of the same patient, selectthe prior scan option (just above the Fundus image) and the Repeat Scan dialogappears.Click pupil center to alignZ ControlsX-Y ControlsAlignFocusPosterior segment centering targetAnterior Segment 5 Line Raster scan patternAnterior Segment Cube 512x128 scan pattern