Specialized and Integrative Visualization Tools2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12 CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual8-72• Center button: Click Center to return the current slices to their default centralpositions.• Tagged Images button: Click the Tagged Images button to view and adjustwhich images are tagged for custom printing. This button is active when one or moreimages have been tagged for printing by selecting Tag for print from the right–clickmenu. (See "Advanced Visualization Report Options" on page 10-6.)The Advanced Visualization screen also uses the image display options available by usingthe right mouse click. See "Advanced Export" on page 11-16.Brightness/Contrast and Color adjustments apply simultaneously to all X, Y and Z slices onscreen (in OCT viewports or as the fundus overlay). If two Z slabs are on screen, one as thefundus overlay and one in the lower right viewport, Brightness/Contrast and Coloradjustments made on either slab will apply to both. Between the fundus image and itsoverlay, Brightness/Contrast and Color operate independently. Right–click one or the otherto apply such changes. Some image display options function as a distinct display modeand that viewport or overlay remains in that mode until you click Reset, Normal, or selectanother mode.For example, if you select Brightness/Contrast for one viewport, the brightness and/orcontrast changes every time you click and drag your mouse over that viewport, until youselect Normal or Reset. Note that selecting Normal would not reset the viewport to itsinitial brightness and contrast settings.