CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual 2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12Patient Preparation 5-13You will begin to see an image once the patient is positioned in the chinrest. The imagemay be poorly resolved until properly focused (see "Acquiring Scans" on page 6-1).Alignment progresses through a series of steps, although the order in which many of thesteps are performed (and whether they are repeated) will vary depending on thecooperativeness of the patient (e.g., whether patients can fixate steadily at a requestedlocation, opacity of their eye, etc.). In general, the sequence of user steps for non–repeatvisits is as follows.4. If necessary, remind the patient not to press against the head rest too firmly, so theforehead glides more easily across it during X-Y movements of the chinrest. The videoimage of the eye is clearest when the (Z alignment) is correct.5. Instruct the Patient to relax after capture.6. After the capture is complete, instruct the subject to relax but maintain chinrestposition while the technician reviews the scan.7. If necessary, repeat steps 4 through 6 above, until the technician is satisfied with thescan quality.8. When the session is complete, instruct the subject to relax and move away from thechinrest.NOTE: Clicking the Finished or ID Patient button moves the chinrest into the default orsaved position. Instruct the research subject to move away from the chinrest before clickingthe Finished or ID Patient button.CIRRUS automatically names the file to include patient name, ID number, gender, type ofscan, date of exam, eye examined, type of report, and date of report.