CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual 2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12Analysis Related Report Options 10-7cáÖìêÉ=NMJS==qÜÉ=q~ÖÖÉÇ=fã~ÖÉë=Çá~äçÖThe maximum number of images that may be tagged for print is 18 (or 6 pages).When you tag an OCT image or a Fundus image that includes an overlay, CIRRUSautomatically presents the image you select plus a companion Fundus image fororientation or a text description of the overlay, respectively. Thus, for each image you tag,two images appear per row of the Tagged Images dialog, except for a Fundus image thatdoes not include an overlay.For OCT images, the companion Fundus image has an overlay that highlights the positionof the slice or slab. For Fundus images with an overlay, the companion text box describesthe overlay characteristics.In the Tagged Images dialog, you have the following options:• Deselect images: All checkboxes are selected by default. Uncheck a checkbox todeselect its image and exclude it from the report.• Tag All: Click to select all images.• Untag All: Click to deselect all images.• Make Report: Click Make Report to generate the report using the currently selectedimages. The Print Preview screen opens (see Figure 10-2). You will then have thefurther options to print it out or save it as a PDF or TIFF or any of the other electronicformats listed.