Appendix2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12 CIRRUS HD-OCT User ManualA-30Normal Values for Ganglion Cell AnalysesPost–hoc analysis was performed on the Macular Cube 200x200 and Macular Cube512x128 cube scans, originally acquired for macular retinal thickness normative data, todetermine the typical distribution for Ganglion Cell Analysis parameters and the GCL + IPLthickness map. This analysis compares the GCL + IPL thickness results to normal limitsderived from post–hoc analysis of scans used for the Asian macular normative database.Data were analyzed using the CIRRUS 6.0 proprietary ganglion cell analysis segmentationalgorithm to obtain seven main summary parameters. The seven summary parameters wereAverage GCL + IPL thickness and six sectoral thickness values of an elliptical annuluscentered on the macula. The schematic of the annulus can be seen in Figure A-12.All Ganglion Cell Analysis parameters decrease slowly with age. Figure A-18 below showsthe average GCL + IPL thickness within the measurement annulus as a function of age.cáÖìêÉ=^JNU==^îÉê~ÖÉ=d`i=H=fmi=qÜáÅâåÉëë=E”ãF=sÉêëìë=^ÖÉIt should be noted that, although the age effect was statistically significant, the R 2(coefficient of determination) of the simple regression model was small for each parameter.This finding indicates that, although age affects GCL + IPL thickness significantly, it canonly explain a small percentage of the variation of the Ganglion Cell Analysis parameters.The summary parameters for Asian study eyes displayed in Table A-5 show that the GCL+ IPL thicknesses, which are measured in an annulus around the fovea, have ahomogeneous distribution. The mean thicknesses of the six zones in the annulus rangedfrom 80.7 to 85.8 μm. This finding is consistent with the expectation that in a healthy eye,the retinal nerve fibers are uniformly distributed in a radial pattern around the fovea.