CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual 2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12Appendix B-7Table B-5: Repeatability Standard Deviation in micrometers for Central SubfieldMeasurements using CIRRUS 3.0 for the 200x200 Scan and for the 512x128 Scan.Table B-6: Repeatability Standard Deviation a in micrometers for Central SubfieldMeasurements on the 200x200 scan using CIRRUS 3.0 Macular Thickness Analysis(MTA), CIRRUS 4.0 MTA with the ability to adjust the Fovea Position, and CIRRUS4.0 Macular Change Analysis, which uses Registration and Fovea Placement.CSMT Repeatability Standard Deviationa (μm)N 200x200 N 512x128AMD 77 17.5 66 11.6DR 51 16.8 50 13.7VRI 44 14.4 44 8.4Other 62 10.1 61 9.5ME 41 13.5 39 27.2No disease 44 4.8 47 3.6a. Repeatability Limit is the upper 95% limit for the difference between repeated results. For this study, twoscans were acquired per subject during a single visit on a single system by a single operator at one offour sites. ISO 5725–1 and ISO 5725–6, Repeatability limit = 2.8 – Repeatability SD.NMean ±SDCSMT (μm)for CIRRUS 4.0MTACSMT RepeatabilityStandard Deviation (μm)CIRRUS 3.0 MTACIRRUS 4.0 MTAwith foveaplacementCIRRUS 4.0 MCAwith registrationand foveaplacementAMD 77 255 ±65 17.5 6.3 8.7DR 51 335 ±109 16.8 9.8 8.1VRI 44 360 ±128 14.4 5.4 4.3Other 62 303 ±114 10.1 7.5 4.5ME 41 339 ±141 13.5 7.9 7.0No disease 44 256 ±21 4.8 2.2 2.5a. Repeatability Limit is the upper 95% limit for the difference between repeated results. For this study, two scans were acquired per subjectduring a single visit on a single system by a single operator at one of four sites. ISO 5725–1 and ISO 5725–6, Repeatability limit = 2.8– Repeatability SD.