General Acquire Procedure2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12 CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual6-30.cáÖìêÉ=SJOM==oÉéÉ~í=pÅ~å=aá~äçÖThe Repeat Scan dialog lists all previous scans in the same scan type category for thispatient by exam date and eye and shows the fundus image for the scan you select.This is especially useful when a scan had been captured away from the central fixa-tion area or if a patient had been scanned previously with a Macular Cube 200x200scan but now will be scanned using the Macular Cube 512x128 scan.15.Select the scan of interest and press OK. This action will return you back to theAcquire screen. The system will apply all the parameters of the previous scan anddisplays the fundus image from that exam. The chinrest will move during thisadjustment.The scan pattern for the selected scan type is overlaid on the fundus image and asmall green cross indicating the location of the fixation target is displayed. (This greencross may be partially obscured by the scan overlay.)16.ISelect Capture. An on–screen progress bar indicates how the data acquisition isprogressing (see "Tracking and Repeat Scans" on page 6-32). Acquisition timedepends on the fixation stability of the eye. If the instrument has difficulty tracking,the progress bar stalls and the user will have the option to either realign the eye or toturn tracking off (see Troubleshooting FastTrac on page 6-36).17.Proceed to the Review screen (Chapter 7 "Scan Quality Check") where you willdetermine whether or not the scan is acceptable or if it should be repeated.18.For Montage Angio Scans Only: You will see a different Scan Position Montagedepending which Montage Angio Scan you select (for example, 6 scans possible for6x6 mm and 5 scans possible for 8x8 Montage Angio Scan). The beginning position isoutlined in blue, as shown in the Scan Position Montage.Select Capture for the first scan. An on–screen progress bar indicates how the dataacquisition is progressing. Acquisition time depends on the fixation stability of theeye. When the first scan is complete, the “SN” box (for 6x6 mm) and the "C" box (for8x8 mm) in the visual representation sequence will have a green checkmark through it