Software2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12 CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual3-10• Yellow means warning: The instrument is operational but a problem or set of problemsexist.• Red means critical: One or more serious problems exists that restricts use of theinstrument.Components of StatusThe following components contribute to the overall status.NOTE: Mouse over the status indicator and popup text will explain the current status interms of the status components below.Instrument StatusIndicates whether or not the instrument hardware is in communication with the systemcomputer, and therefore capable of acquiring new scans. It can report status as eitherready to acquire scans (green) or unable to acquire new scans (red).• Red: If instrument status is red, we suggest you cycle power off and then power on theinstrument). If the problem persists, contact CZMI customer service.Hard Disk StatusIndicates available hard disk space status. It can report three statuses:• Green: Adequate free hard disk space.• Yellow: Low hard disk space. When free hard disk space is low at startup, you mustclick Continue at system start before continuing to the login screen. Also, the systemprompts you to clear archived exam data.• Red: Critically low hard disk space. When hard disk space is critically low, the Acquirebutton is disabled. You must clear a sufficient amount of hard disk space by clearingarchived exams to continue. If there are insufficient archived exams to be cleared, youmust first archive exams and then clear them. You cannot clear unarchived exams.Once you have created space on your hard drive, the indicator will change to green.However, the Acquire button remains disabled until you shut down, then restart theCIRRUS application.Network (Archive) StatusIndicates available network (archive) storage space and availability status. It can reportthree statuses:• Green: Network available with adequate network archive disk space.• Yellow: Low network archive disk space or network unavailable. When archive diskspace is low, you will be prompted to change the archive location, but you cancontinue using the same archive location for now. The message Archive volume is notavailable indicates that the current archive location is not accessible.• Red: Critically low network archive disk space. When archive disk space is criticallylow, CIRRUS will stop archiving to this location. You must change to a new archivelocation to re–start archiving.