Posterior Segment2660021169012 Rev. A 2017-12 CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual8-24Double-clicking on the image of choice will show the thickness map overlaid on theFundus Image. This can be very useful in ensuring fovea is entirely centered.NOTE: Of particular importance for Ganglion Cell Guided Progression Analysis (see"Ganglion Cell Guided Progression Analysis" on page 8-38), do not usethickness maps or cubes with clear segmentation errors, or where the fovea is far from thecenter of the selected Cube scan.NOTE: The GCA algorithm was tested on patients with glaucoma, but not other ocularconditions. The performance of this algorithm on patients with glaucoma and concomitantretinal disease, or retinal disease by itself involving the macula is not known, anddisruption of the inner retinal layers in such conditions may lead to atypical measurementsand deviation maps.