138 CHAPTER 4: R OUTER COMMAND REFERENCEset init_scriptcommand Modifies an init_script, that you previously defined using addinit_script. You can see the currently defined initialization scriptsusing list init_scripts.set interfacefilter_access [on | off]input_filter output_filter Sets filter parameters for the specified filter on the specified interface.You can see the available filter files using list filters, view thecontents of a filter file using show filter, and add filter files to FLASHmemory using TFTP.Interface filters can be changed without disabling and re-enabling eachnetwork on that interface.Parameter Description Designation for a modem initialization string. Maximum size is7 characters. If you are setting an init_script for a modem poolor interface, the init_script name must already exist.command Modem initialization string must be entered with quotes andmust be less than 56 characters.Parameter Description Designation of interface you are setting parameters for. Limit:64 ASCII characters. Either: rm0/eth:1 (the LAN interface),loopback, internal, or x/slot:y/mod:z (where x is the type ofunit (rm0 for the RAS 1500 unit; pem0 or pem1 for the RAS1500 Expansion Unit; and pau0 for the PAU), y is the slotnumber, and z is the modem number. Example:rm0/slot:1/mod:1).filter_access Off causes filters specified for an interface with a set interfacecommand to override filters specified with a set usercommand when the filters are of the same type. Default: Off.input_filter Name of the filter file you wish to be applied to the inputstream coming in on the specified interface. Limit: 20 ASCIIcharacters.output_filter Name of the filter file you wish to be applied to the outputstream leaving the specified interface. Limit: 20 ASCIIcharacters.