170 CHAPTER 4: R OUTER COMMAND REFERENCEParameter Description Name user, previously defined using add user withnetwork as the type. Limit: 32 ASCII characters.channel_decrement When line usage on the second channel drops below thispercentage, PPP drops the second or more channel.Default: 0. Recommended: 20. Range: 1-100%.channel_expansion When the line usage of the first channel exceeds thispercentage, PPP adds the second channel. Specifying 100%disables the second and additional channels for MLPPP.Default: 0. Recommended: 60. Range: 1-100%.compression_algorithm Specifies the proprietary compression algorithm PPP usesvia negotiation. Choices: ASCEND, MICROSOFT, STAC, andNONE. Default: AUTO. Note: This value can be overriddenby using the set ppp ccp_modemtype[digital,compressed_analog, uncompressed_analog, none,all] command. If you know the type of traffic yourconnection handles, using this command is beneficial.expansion_algorithm Specifies which type of expansion algorithm to handlebandwidth allocation.n CONSTANT — A long-term measurement and allocationof traffic bandwidth best for constant datastreams, suchas file transfer. Default.n LINEAR — A short-term measurement and allocation oftraffic bandwidth. This is best for bursty traffic, such asinteractive users.max_channels Sets how many channels to use for MLPP. This value eitherinvokes PPP to negotiate for MLPPP with the remote system(more than 1) or does not try to negotiate for MLPPP (1).The actual number of channels used is determined bychannel_decrement and expansion parameters. MLPPP ison by default with a value of 2.Note: To ensure that MLPPP is running on both ends of aconnection, do not lower the default value of 2, otherwiseMLPPP may fail.min_size_compression Data packet size that PPP decides is big enough to startcompression. Smaller data packets are not compressed.Range: 0-2048 bytes. Default: 256.nbt_keepalive_timeoutreceive_acc_map Determines whether the system uses the asynchronouscontrol character map to filter out incoming data. Default:000000.reconnect_typereservereset_mode_compressionDetermines how often PPP examines packets to decidewhen to renegotiate the optimum compression algorithm.Default: AUTO.