Add Commands 59add datalinkframe_relayenabled [no | yes]interface Configures the serial WAN port (rm0/wan:1) on the SuperStack II RemoteAccess System (RAS) 1500 for Frame Relay access. Frame relay allowsseveral virtual connections through the one physical WAN portconnection to the public network.Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) must connect to a Frame Relayprovider for this feature to be used.add datalink ppp enable [no | yes]interface user Configures the serial WAN port (rm0/wan:1) on the RAS 1500 for leasePoint-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection and associates a user profile withthe WAN port.Parameter Descriptionenabled Optional parameter that indicates whether data link FrameRelay is enabled (YES) or disabled (NO). Default is YES.interface The interface (port) to be bridged.user User to provide parameters needed to set WAN connection.Parameter Descriptiondatalink frame_relay Protocol that provides frame/packet switched wide-areanetworking.enabled Optional parameter that indicates whether data link FrameRelay is enabled (YES) or disabled (NO). Default is YES.interface The port which data link frame_relay communicates over(rm0/wan:1).