n Login Host — made available for user connections.n Route — describes a path through the network to anothersystem/network.Table entries are created with an add command and removed with adelete command. The add command specifies the most importantparameters of the entry. Additional parameters are usually specified withthe set command, which is also used to change configured parameters.The list commands display table entries. For example, the commandlist modem_groups displays all defined modem groups.show commands display detailed information about a specific table entryor a set of scalars (non-table items). For example, show modem_group3com displays information on the 3Com modem group. show allcommands display information. The show all commands display allparameters for all entries in tables associated with particular commands.The order of items in a table is usually not relevant, nor is it inherent inthe type of entity. Sometimes the order is relevant, and you must specify apreference value in the add command, indicating where this itembelongs in the table. For example, add dns server preference 1 assigns a priority of 1 to this DNS server. The DNS serverwith the highest preference number is used first. Login hosts also requirea preference number.