50 CHAPTER 3: R OUTER COMMAND OVERVIEWn Configuration changes are impermanent: they occur immediately butare lost on reboot unless you save them because the save allcommand places configuration changes in FLASH memory. Thesechanges are lost by the SuperStack II Remote Access System (RAS)1500, if power fails before saving them.n Some commands such as add ip network and reconfigure donot take effect immediately.n Some delete commands require that you first disable the process orfunction. For example, before using the commands to delete anetwork user, interface, or network service, first disable the process orfunction.n In most cases, wherever an IP address value is required, you can entera host name provided you have configured a Domain Name System(DNS) server or put the name and address into the DNS Local HostTable.n You can create a script file - a text file containing CLI commands - tosimplify repetitive tasks. Use Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) totransfer the file to the FLASH file system, then use the do command torun the script file.Network AddressFormatsMany commands require a network address, to define a link to a remotehost, workstation or network. Internet Protocol (IP) and Internet PacketExchange (IPX) network addresses shown in this document use the syntaxdescribed in the following table. IP netmasks can be configured threeways: using the CLI mask signifier (A,B,C or H), using the standard format(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) or counting the one bits in a range from 8-30 (32 fora host). For help setting bitmasks, see Appendix C, “AddressingSchemes” for a bitmask table.AddressType Format RangeIP_addressa.b.c.d to (decimal).address 127.x.x.x is reserved for Loopback.address 247.x.x.x or higher is not part of a valid IPNetwork Class (A, B, C)address is invalid in most contexts.ip_net_addressa.b.c.d/mask,B,C,H or nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn or8-30 bitsipx_net_addressxxxxxxxx hexadecimal