204 CHAPTER 4: R OUTER COMMAND REFERENCESETTINGS for PPP LINKn Operational Status — Opened or Not Opened.n Interface Index — Index number of the interface used.n Local MRU — MRU the remote entity uses when sending packets tolocal PPP entity. Default: 1514.n Remote MRU - MRU the local entity uses when sending packets toremote PPP entity. Default:1514.n Local to Peer ACC Map — Value of the ACC Map used for sendingpackets from the local PPP entity to the remote PPP entity.n Peer to Local ACC Map — ACC Map used by the remote PPP entitywhen transmitting packets to the local PPP entity.n Local To Remote Protocol Compression — Indicates whether the localPPP entity uses Protocol Compression when transmitting packets tothe remote PPP entity. Default: Enabled.n Remote To Local Protocol Compression — Indicates whether theremote PPP entity uses Protocol Compression when transmittingpackets to the local PPP entity. Default: Enabled.n Local To Remote ACC Compression — Indicates whether the local PPPentity uses address and Control Compression when transmittingpackets to the remote PPP entity. Default: Enabled.n Remote To Local ACC Compression — Indicates whether the remotePPP entity uses address and Control Compression when transmittingpackets to the local PPP entity. Default: Enabled.SETTINGS for PPP LINK - AUTHENTICATIONn Operational Status — Opened or Not Opened.n Local To Remote Compression Protocol — Protocol used by the localPPP entity when it compressed the remote PPP entity. Default:CHAPMD5.