Troubleshooting Commands 39TroubleshootingCommandsViewing FacilityErrorsThe set facility command allows you to set and view log levels for thesystem processes, ensuring that error messages reaching the threshold forthat facility are output to the console port.Although messages are sent to the Console port by default, you canconfigure a SYSLOG host to receive and save messages. See Appendix D,“Event Messages” for more information.Log levels range from the lowest state, debug, to the highest, critical. Thedefault is critical. Use the following command:set facility loglevel [common|critical|debug|unusual|verbose]Example:set facility snmp loglevel unusualUse the list facilities command to view a log level change.Terminating an ActiveProcessThe kill command terminates an ongoing process. You can kill a processonly after it has started. For instance, if you want to kill a ping requestthat has run too long. Use the list processes command to viewcurrent active processes.Resolving Addresses The arp command performs IP address resolution. Use the followingcommand:arp address or host name>The system responds with an IP address (and MAC [Ethernet] address iffound on a locally connected network) of the host.Example:ARP: -> 08:00:09:cc:58:bf