140 CHAPTER 4: R OUTER COMMAND REFERENCEset ip networkbroadcast_algorithm [0 | 1]reassembly_maximum_size [0-65535]rip_authentication_key [string]rip_policies_update routing_protocol [none | ripv1 | ripv2]Configures the type of broadcast algorithm, the maximum size forreassembling fragmenting packets, the RIP password, RIP export metric,RIP policies, the routing metric, and the routing protocol for the specifiedinterface. The only required parameter for this command is . Allother parameters are optional. You can set all of them at once or one at atime. This command can only be used on IP networks previously definedusing add ip network. You can list the currently defined IP networksusing list ip networks.As activated by this command, routing is appropriate on a LAN segmentwhere the default route gateway is not used because the RAS 1500dynamically adds discovered hosts to its Routing Table. It is alsoappropriate in a LAN-to-LAN scenario where routing must additionally beactivated in user profiles on both sides of the WAN (using the setnetwork user ip_routing [both|listen|none|send]command. Since the default is none, routing is not activated until youselect ripv1 or ripv2.You must disable the IP network before setting these parameters, usingthe disable ip network command, or, use the set ip networkcommand followed by the reconfigure ip network command. Byissuing a show ip network settings command, you candetermine from the Reconfigure Needed: field whether a reconfigure wasdone.RIP PoliciesThe following RIP policies are supported by the IP route:n Send Default — Disabled by default, causes router to advertise itself asthe default router.n Send Routes — Enabled by default. Tells RIP to advertise (broadcast) itsroutes on the network every 30 seconds - is standard for a gatewayrouter.n Send Subnets — Disabled by default. If this flag is on, only routes withthe same network and with subnets on the same network are sent outthe interface.