1-5Multicast modeFigure 1-5 Multicast modeTable 1-1 describes how the above mentioned NTP modes are implemented on 3Com S4500 seriesEthernet switches.Table 1-1 NTP implementation modes on 3Com S4500 series Ethernet switchesNTP implementation mode Configuration on S4500 series switchesServer/client modeConfigure the local S4500 Ethernet switch to work in theNTP client mode. In this mode, the remote server servesas the local time server, while the local switch serves asthe client.Symmetric peer modeConfigure the local S4500 switch to work in NTPsymmetric peer mode. In this mode, the remote serverserves as the symmetric-passive peer of the S4500switch, and the local switch serves as thesymmetric-active peer.Broadcast modez Configure the local S4500 Ethernet switch to work inNTP broadcast server mode. In this mode, the localswitch broadcasts NTP messages through the VLANinterface configured on the switch.z Configure the S4500 switch to work in NTP broadcastclient mode. In this mode, the local S4500 switchreceives broadcast NTP messages through the VLANinterface configured on the switch.Multicast modez Configure the local S4500 Ethernet switch to work inNTP multicast server mode. In this mode, the localswitch sends multicast NTP messages through theVLAN interface configured on the switch.z Configure the local S4500 Ethernet switch to work inNTP multicast client mode. In this mode, the localswitch receives multicast NTP messages through theVLAN interface configured on the switch.