1-9To do… Use the command… RemarksEnable systeminformation output tothe consoleinfo-center console channel{ channel-number |channel-name }OptionalBy default, the switch usesinformation channel 0 to outputlog/debugging/trap information to theconsole.Configure the outputrules of systeminformationinfo-center source { modu-name |default } channel{ channel-number |channel-name } [ { log | trap |debug } { level severity | statestate } ]*OptionalRefer to Table 1-4 for the defaultoutput rules of system information.Set the format of timestamp in the outputinformationinfo-center timestamp { log |trap | debugging } { boot | date |none }OptionalBy default, the time stamp format ofthe log and trap output information isdate, and that of the debuggingoutput information is boot.To view the debugging information of some modules on the switch, you need to set the type of theoutput information to debug when configuring the system information output rules, and use thedebugging command to enable debugging for the corresponding modules.Table 1-4 Default output rules for different output destinationsLOG TRAP DEBUGOutputdestinationModulesallowed Enabled/disabledSeverityEnabled/disabled Severity Enabled/disabled SeverityConsole default (allmodules) Enabled warnings Enabled debugging Enabled debuggingMonitorterminaldefault (allmodules) Enabled warnings Enabled debugging Enabled debuggingLog host default (allmodules) Enabled informational Enabled debugging Disabled debuggingTrap buffer default (allmodules)Disabledinformational Enabled warnings Disabled debuggingLog buffer default (allmodules) Enabled warnings Disabled debugging Disabled debuggingSNMP NMS default (allmodules)Disableddebugging Enabled warnings Disabled debuggingEnabling system information display on the consoleAfter setting to output system information to the console, you need to enable the associated displayfunction to display the output information on the console.