1-16To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter SFTP client viewsftp { host-ip | host-name }[ port-num ] [ identity-key { dsa |rsa } | prefer_kex { dh_group1 |dh_exchange_group } |prefer_ctos_cipher { 3des |des | aes128 } |prefer_stoc_cipher { 3des |des | aes128 } |prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 |sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } |prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 |sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] *RequiredSupport for the 3des keyworddepends on the number ofencryption bits of the softwareversion. The 168-bit versionsupports this keyword, whilethe 56-bit version does not.Change the working directoryon the remote SFTP server cd pathnameChange the working directoryto be the parent directory cdupDisplay the working directoryon the SFTP server pwdCreate a directory on theremote SFTP server mkdir pathnameRemove a directory on theremote SFTP server rmdir pathnameOptionaldelete remotefileDelete a specified fileremove remote-fileOptionalBoth commands have the sameeffect.dir [ -a | -l ] [ remote-path ]Query a specified file on theSFTP server ls [ -a | -l ] [ remote-path ]OptionalIf no file name is provided, allthe files in the current directoryare displayed.The difference between thesetwo commands is that the dircommand can display the filename, directory as well as fileattributes; while the Iscommand can display only thefile name and directory.Download a remote file fromthe SFTP server get remotefile [ localfile ]Upload a local file to theremote SFTP server put localfile [ remotefile ]Rename a file on the remoteserverrename remote-sourceremote-destOptionalbyeexitExit SFTP client view andreturn to system viewquitThe three commands have thesame effect.Display the online help about aspecified commandconcerning SFTPhelp [ all | command-name ] Optional