NoteActionCAUTIONThe robot arm system weighs 1800 kg.All lifting accessories used must be sizedaccordingly!3Article number is specified in Requiredequipment on page 178.Fit the lifting accessories and adjust it asdescribed in the enclosed user instructions.4Make sure the lift is done completelylevel! How to adjust the lift is describedin the enclosed instruction to the liftingaccessory! Follow the instructions be-fore lifting!This is detailed in section Lifting robotwith lifting slings on page 64.NoteMake sure all hooks and attachments stayin the correct position while lifting the armsystem and that the lifting accessory doesnot wear against sharp edges.Lift the complete arm system and move it atvery low speed to the mounting site, makingsure it does not tip!NoteThe refitting must be made completely level!Make sure the roundslings are adjusted priorto refitting the arm system.5xx1100000258Fit two guide pins in opposite holes in theframe.TipIn order to make refitting easier it is recom-mended to use two guide pins of differentlengths. Notice that longer guide pins than140 mm will not be possible to remove afterrefitting because of lack of space.6Dimension is specified in Requiredequipment on page 178.NoteAlways use guide pins in pairs.Look through the empty mounting hole of theaxis 1 motor to assist in aligning the as-sembly during refitting of the complete armsystem.7Continues on next pageProduct manual - IRB 760 1833HAC039838-001 Revision: M© Copyright 2011-2018 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.3.5 Replacing the base, including axis 1 gearboxContinued