CLOSECBConnect to a binary output for circuit breaker closing command.COUNT1P, COUNT2P, COUNT3P1, COUNT3P2, COUNT3P3,COUNT3P4 and COUNT3P5Indicates the number of auto reclosing shots made for respective shot.COUNTARIndicates the total number of auto reclosing shots made.INHIBOUTIf the INHIBIT input is activated it is reported on the INHIBOUT output.INPROGRIndicates that an auto recloser sequence is in progress, from start until circuitbreaker close command.MODEWhen a valid integer is connected to the MODEINT input, the selected ARModesetting will be invalid and the MODEINT input value will be used instead. Theselected mode is reported as an integer on the MODE output. The six possiblemodes are described in Table 20 with their corresponding MODEINT integer value.PERMIT1PPermit single-phase trip is the inverse of PREP3P. It can be connected to a binaryoutput relay for connection to external protection or trip relays. In case of a totalloss of auxiliary power, the output relay drops and does not allow single-phase trip.PREP3PPrepare three-phase trip is usually connected to the trip block to force a coming tripto be a three-phase one. If the auto recloser cannot make a single-phase or two-phase auto reclosing, the tripping should be three-phase.READYIndicates that the auto recloser is ready for a new and complete auto reclosingsequence. It can be connected to the zone extension if a line protection should haveextended zone reach before auto reclosing.SETONIndicates that auto recloser is switched on and operative.SUCCLIf the circuit breaker closing command is given and the circuit breaker is closedwithin the set time interval tUnsucCl, the SUCCL output is activated after the settime interval tSuccessful.1MRK 505 393-UEN B Section 12ControlLine differential protection RED650 2.2 IEC 245Application manual