Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionPower2 0.0 - 500.0 % 0.1 1.0 Power setting for stage 2 in % of calculatedpower base valueAngle2 -180.0 - 180.0 Deg 0.1 0.0 Characteristic angle for stage 2TripDelay2 0.010 - 6000.000 s 0.001 1.000 Trip delay for stage 2Table 107:GOPPDOP (32) Group settings (advanced)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Descriptionk 0.00 - 0.99 - 0.01 0.00 Low pass filter coefficient for powermeasurement, V and ITable 108:GOPPDOP (32) Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionGlobalBaseSel 1 - 6 - 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base ValuegroupsMode A, B, CAronePos SeqABBCCAABC- - Pos Seq Mode of measurement for current and voltage8.7.2.5 Monitored dataTable 109:GOPPDOP (32) Monitored dataName Type Values (Range) Unit DescriptionP REAL - MW Active PowerPPERCENT REAL - % Active power in % ofcalculated power base valueQ REAL - MVAr Reactive powerQPERCENT REAL - % Reactive power in % ofcalculated power base value8.7.3 Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP (37)1MRK 502 043-UUS B Section 8Current protection227Technical Manual